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How to install composer in cPanel with CageFS

Many customers who run PHP websites (such as Drupal) in a cPanel hosting with CloudLinux and CageFS, ask us about using composer in cPanel via SSH.

This page describes how to install composer in a cPanel/WHM server with CloudLinux, of course our cPanel comes with composer preinstalled.

This page should be used by system admins who want to make composer via SSH available to their customers in cPanel with CloudLinux/CageFS installed.

Installing Composer

First, SSH to the cPanel/WHM server and become root user.

Next, run these commands to install composer:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Configure CageFS to recognise Composer

Now, as you have installed composer, let’s add it to the CageFS so that users could access it

vim /etc/cagefs/conf.d/composer.cfg

And add this content:

comment=Allow composer to work on the server

Next, update CageFS

cagefsctl --force-update

Test if Composer works for CageFS user

Test to see if it works, become a CageFS user.

su cagefsuser
composer self-update

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Updated on 7 June, 2017

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